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CBEST Writting Test 作文考试攻略及最新作文真题(Prompts)


Aug 13, 2023 #CBEST

Cbest考试总共分三个单项 (Reading, Writing, Math),每项需要单独注册。据官方统计,Reading和Math的首次通过率,都在80%左右,而只有writing,首次通过率只有60-65%左右,Writting的难度可见一斑。


CBEST考试,全称为”California Basic Educational Skills Test”,是美国加利福尼亚州教育系统要求教师候选人通过的一项标准化考试。该考试旨在评估候选人在基本的教育技能方面的能力,包括阅读、写作和数学。通过CBEST考试是成为加州公立学校教师的一个先决条件。


  1. 阅读部分:评估考生的阅读理解能力,包括理解文章主旨、细节、推理和文本结构等。
  2. 写作部分:考察考生的写作能力,要求他们写一篇作文来表达清晰的观点、组织结构良好的文章以及正确使用语法和拼写。
  3. 数学部分:测试考生在基本数学概念、代数、几何等方面的理解和应用能力。


  • 考试时间:1小时30分钟 (15 additional minutes are provided to complete a nondisclosure agreement and tutorial)
  • 作文类型:
    • 一共要写两篇作文:
      • CBEST作文考试要求考生在90分钟内写两篇不同类型的文章:
        1. 分析性作文(Analytical Essay): 这种作文要求考生分析一个特定的问题、现象或情景,并从多个角度探讨。您需要深入挖掘问题的背景、原因、影响等方面,提供逻辑清晰的分析和论证。在这篇文章中,您的重点是通过分析和推理展示您的逻辑思考和分析能力。
        2. 个人见解型作文(Descriptive Essay): 这种作文要求考生分享自己的经验、观点或看法。您可以从自己的生活、工作或学习经历中挑选一个相关的主题,然后通过描述具体的情境、事件或经历,阐述您的观点并支持它们。在这篇文章中,您需要运用自己的经验来展示对题目的理解和思考能力。


  • 通过分数及标准
    • CBEST每个部分的及格分数是41分, 获得总分123分即可视为通过。然而,如果在一个或两个部分中获得37分的分数,并且总分为123分或更高,仍有可能通过CBEST。如果任何部分的分数低于37分,无论总分多高,都无法通过CBEST考试。




  1. 引言(Introduction): 在第一个段落中,需要引入作文的主题,并提出观点或论点。引言应该吸引读者的注意,介绍将要讨论的话题,并在最后一句明确表达观点。
  2. 主体段落1(Body Paragraph 1): 在这个段落中,详细阐述支持观点的第一个论据或例子。可以提供事实、数据、引用等来支持观点,并解释为何这个论据具有说服力。
  3. 主体段落2(Body Paragraph 2): 类似于主体段落1,这个段落将阐述支持观点的第二个论据或例子。确保每个段落都有自己的主题句,展开论点,并提供足够的细节和分析。
  4. 主体段落3(Body Paragraph 3): 如果需要,可以添加第三个主体段落,以支持观点。这个段落的内容和结构与前两个主体段落相似。
  5. 结论(Conclusion): 在最后一个段落中,总结观点和支持论据,并再次强调主要观点。结论应该有一个明确的结束,让读者感受到整篇文章的完整性和总结性。











站长本人在三个月中完成了Cbest三个单项测试,Reading和Math都顺利高分通过,可惜第一次writting只得了33分,导致整体没有通过,后来报名了第二次writting test,用了三周的时间集中准备(下面会介绍经验),终于低空掠过,成功通过了Cbest考试。

Cbest两篇文章是独立评判的,但是最后的总分是综合评定的。我的第一篇议论文是meet or exceeds,但是第二篇记叙文被认为miss,需要改进的地方有两处:Usage(通篇用词的准确性和深度), Structure and Conventions(结构和语法)。

我报名了第二次writting test,用了三周的时间集中准备,我的准备策略是:

  • 从历次真题总结出题规律,尤其是对记叙文,我发现尽管每次作文题会略有不同,但实际万变不离其宗,几乎都是描述某种情况对自己的长远影响,比如儿时的经历,印象中深刻的人,克服困难的经验, 领导经历,爱好或艺术品的影响,等等。
  • 采用Cbest历次真题(见下方),生成十几篇范文 (请见本站另一篇文章),熟读范文到能脱口而出的程度。即使遇到新的作文题,也能举一反三,素材变通一下,就能勇于各种作文题,而范文中用词的深度和广度能很大程度上提高自己写作的精致度。



以下prompt的真题范文可参见本站另一篇文章:CBEST Writting Test 作文考试11篇真题范文


Aug 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: It is said that childhood experience could have a long impact on one’s life. Write about one or a group of childhood experience that has an impact of your life.
  • Analytical Essay:  Some city plan citiwide curfew to keep young people at home at certain time of the day. Some people are supportive of this, some others are against of this. Pick a side.

June 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: Write about a hobby/vocation that satisfies your inner needs
  • Analytical Essay: Some people say high school students should be able to wear whatever they want. Some administrators believe they should be able to choose what is indecent and offensive. Some argue that high school students should wear uniforms. What is your stance? Pick a side.

May 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: Describe a time in your life where you missed a great opportunity. What made it a great opportunity? Etc.
  • Analytical Essay: During the French Revolution it is said it was the ‘best of times and the worst of times’ describe if you think we are currently living in the best OR worst of times and provide examples”

April, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: An event that changed your life
  • Analytical Essay: Should people be charged violating copyrights

April, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: Talk about someone who has led you and explain how their guidance helped you
  • Analytical Essay: Should schools start at a later time in order to accommodate the sleep patterns of adolescents

March, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay:  A story about someone who have changed their perspective on a situation or outlook
  • Analytical Essay: Should teachers have evaluations from students to evaluate weakness/ strengths.

March, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: Something that impacted my personal view or someone I know that changed their perspective on a life situation
  • Analytical Essay: Should teachers have evaluations from students to evaluate weakness/ strengths.

March, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay: memories or a memory about a person and why it’s still in your mind
  • Analytical Essay: e-books versus traditional print books. Do you feel e-books have a negative or positive impact? Pick a side.

Feb, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay:  Talk about a piece of art that has changed your point of view, helped you to understand others point of view. Could be a song, book, movie etc
  • Analytical Essay: Should school discipline students for illegal actions that happen outside of school

Feb, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay:  Talk about a school experience
  • Analytical Essay: Whether you agree or disagree with social promotion

Feb, 2023

  • Analytical Essay: Germany and Japan have started a classroom curriculum with work experience for high school students so that they can skip college. Do you think the United States should follow the same strategy?

Jan, 2023

  • Descriptive Essay:  Share an experience where you have shown generosity or courage
  • Analytical Essay: Do you agree with late night curfews for young children?

Dec, 2022

  • Descriptive Essay:  Write about a creative vocation/hobby that brings you inner harmony (serves as an outlet).
  • Analytical Essay: Should schools let students wear whatever they want, adopt a dress code, or implement a school uniform.

Nov, 2022

  • Descriptive Essay:  Describe an instance of leadership in your life
  • Analytical Essay: Should we delay start times in schools

Oct, 2022

  • Descriptive Essay:  Best memory you experience in family celebration, concert, theater performance
  • Analytical Essay: Illegal acquisition of digital content. If in favor of criminal prosecution or other way

Sep, 2022

  • Descriptive Essay:  Explaining the time when you take a risk and how it turns out
  • Analytical Essay: Schools should ban the logo or statement clothes

Aug, 2022

  • Descriptive Essay: Describing a time where you had to overcome an obstacle how did you do it and what happened in the end
  • Analytical Essay: How effective are teacher evaluations



CBEST Writting Test 作文考试11篇真题范文

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